Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14 Today's Blog

      Today in class we watched a movie Guns, Germs, and Steel.  The movie was about civilization and how some civilizations like the USA are so modern and others like Papa New Guinea are still like the old times.  Part of the reason I think is because of the amount of domesticated animals we have compared to what they have.  Since there are less domesticated animals in Papa New Guinea they have less tools to help them farm and to prosper.  Since they have to work so hard on just surviving everyday their society cannot advance like the USA.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's Class 1/8/14

      Today in class we took more notes on urbanization.  We talked more and more about civilization in the older times.  We talked about Christopher Coloumbus.  We talked about he practically invaded America and made it into another Europe.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Today In Class 1/6/14

     Today in class we started a brand new lesson.  It was about civilization sort of.  We talked about cities, towns, villages, and settlements.  We talked about what is urban and what isnt.  We talked about iragation and how people from a long time ago went to the bathroom.  We also disscussed the main settlements of the old times.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In Today's Class

In today's class we got our tests back.  My grade wasn't very good at all and im not happy with my total grade either.  I really need to start doing better.  I can start by doing great on this exam.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fridaus class

Fridays class was the same as usual we just talked and went over a power point.  But first we took a test.  I dont think i did weel at al on the test.  Id did study for this one though so i don't get it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we talked about the game show Mr. Schick and the school was on its academic.  We then played a game where Mr. Schick asks us questions and we answer them by hitting our desk and getting called on.  The other thing we did is look over a power point.  We ended the class by playing the game again.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today In Class 12/3/13

    Today in class in we worked on making test questions.  Arri had a lot of good ideas for questions.  Devin supported the group the most with questions to write down.   I think we were poroductive and got alot of work done today!