Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Class With Presentations

     Today in class grace finished up presenting our research power point on Hinduism.  There are a lot of interesting things about these different religions like what makes them similar or what makes them different.  I found it odd though how Hinduism is only really popular in India.  Almost anywhere else around the world its only 0-10 % Hindu's.  I feel like a Christianity is more world wide and alot of other religions are cultural.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today In Class We presented

     Today in class my group presented.  Grace was our group leader so she was the person who presented for our group.  Our group religion was Hinduism.  Our group gave out note sheets to the whole class so it would be easier to take notes on our religion.  We never got to finish presenting because class ended.  We also had two shadows today Jake and Lee i think her name was.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we split up into separate groups to study a specific religion.  My group had Hinduism.  We have to create a power point which we have been working on in class and our going to present tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's Class

     Today in class Mr Schick showed us a video from a tv show.  The video was about a news anchor and on tv with his fellow workers they had debate about if America was the best country.  As two of his fellow tv show hosts said that America was so great he just sat there and thought.  He decided to go off about why America is not even close to being the greatest country.  As he was speaking the audience was absolutely shocked.  I personally agreed with what he had to say.  For the rest of class after this video we had an open discussion about this topic: Is America the Best Country?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/22/13 class

     Today in class we continued taking notes on population and cultural characteristics.  We hovered a lot on the topic of religion.  We talked a lot about how religion is one of the major causes if not the biggest cause of war.  I don't really understand how we let the little differences in our religions make us want to fight each other.

Monday, October 21, 2013

We Started The Week Off With a Story

      Mr. Schick decided to start out class with a funny story today.  He told us about how he visited his daughter in Boston.  He told us that his daughters dorm was right next to Fenway Park.  He decided while watching the game to go to the stadium in the 7th inning.  He snuck past some police officers and found himself in a tv broadcasting van.  The story's kind of long so i can't go into full detail.  We also went over more population.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in CLass

      Today in class we went over our POPulation Quiz.  I think i got an okay grade on it.  I mean a 78% isn't really that bad.  I defidently could have done better though.  I probably should have taken a little bit better notes and i could have done better.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday's Class

      In Fridays class we took a pop quiz.  At least i think it was because Mr. Schick titled it POPulation Quiz.  Well anyway i think i did reasonably well on this quiz they may have been a pop quiz or not i still don't know.  I hope i do well though!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We Went Over Our Tests Today

     Today in class we got our tests back.  I don't think i did that well i could have done much better.  I think my issue was that I didn't take good enough notes.  After we finished going over our tests we went back to taking notes on pyramid population charts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We had a test....

     Today in class it was Erica's birthday.  Happy birthday Erica!  She gave me a cupcake and I went to the bathroom and when i got back it was gone.  I was looking forward to eating it too.  No one really told me what happened to my cupcake except that it fell.  Anyway we had a quiz on God Grew Tired of Us.  this quiz was a struggle for me for some reason.  I watched the movie and payed attention.  I guess my notes weren't so good.  I hope i did good on the quiz.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Finishing the Movie

     Today in class we finished up the end of our movie God Grew Tired of Us.  It was pretty good the way things ended.  I think the lost boys had finally gotten used to the american way of life.  I think they still miss their old country alot.  Panther missed it enough to go back get his girlfriend marry her and bring her to america.  Panther plans to build a school in his old country.  John and the boys also went to some of the lost boys reunions where all of the lost boys met.  It was overall a good movie with a somewhat happy ending.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fridays Class Was Normal

     On Friday the only thing that was really different from the past few days was we had a shadow named Collin.  We also delved a little bit deeper into our movie.  The lost boys are starting to get used to the american life.  They still keep some of their past life with them though which is a good thing.  We have noticed that ever since they came to america some of them have fully adapted and some of them dont want to leave their old life and people behind.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Still Watching God Grew Tired of Us

  We are still watching God Grew Tired of Us.  This part of the movie is much nicer to watch and even pretty funny.  I find it funny the things the lost boys were doing when they first came to America.  I liked when they were first moving into their apartments.  It was just funny to watch them adapt to the american way of life.  I think they enjoy the american life alot but still have many thoughts about the people they left behind.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today We Watched a Movie

      We started to watch a movie today in class called God Grew Tired of Us.  It is about what the government did to the people of Sadan forcing them to flee and create a North and South Sadan.  The stuff that the government of Sadan would do to these people is just pure torture.  Its hard to even watch this.  It is so upsetting that things like this happen in our world.