Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In Today's Class

In today's class we got our tests back.  My grade wasn't very good at all and im not happy with my total grade either.  I really need to start doing better.  I can start by doing great on this exam.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fridaus class

Fridays class was the same as usual we just talked and went over a power point.  But first we took a test.  I dont think i did weel at al on the test.  Id did study for this one though so i don't get it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we talked about the game show Mr. Schick and the school was on its academic.  We then played a game where Mr. Schick asks us questions and we answer them by hitting our desk and getting called on.  The other thing we did is look over a power point.  We ended the class by playing the game again.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today In Class 12/3/13

    Today in class in we worked on making test questions.  Arri had a lot of good ideas for questions.  Devin supported the group the most with questions to write down.   I think we were poroductive and got alot of work done today!  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today In Class

Today in class we talked about our Micro-finance power point that Mr. Schick had us do.  Mr. Schick had created a Google document and emailed it to our class.  As a class we ended up creating a twenty some slide power point.  That's pretty good for how unfocused our class can get.