Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In Today's Class

In today's class we got our tests back.  My grade wasn't very good at all and im not happy with my total grade either.  I really need to start doing better.  I can start by doing great on this exam.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fridaus class

Fridays class was the same as usual we just talked and went over a power point.  But first we took a test.  I dont think i did weel at al on the test.  Id did study for this one though so i don't get it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we talked about the game show Mr. Schick and the school was on its academic.  We then played a game where Mr. Schick asks us questions and we answer them by hitting our desk and getting called on.  The other thing we did is look over a power point.  We ended the class by playing the game again.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Today In Class 12/3/13

    Today in class in we worked on making test questions.  Arri had a lot of good ideas for questions.  Devin supported the group the most with questions to write down.   I think we were poroductive and got alot of work done today!  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today In Class

Today in class we talked about our Micro-finance power point that Mr. Schick had us do.  Mr. Schick had created a Google document and emailed it to our class.  As a class we ended up creating a twenty some slide power point.  That's pretty good for how unfocused our class can get.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we had a sub.  Our substitute teacher was Dr. Laser.  We did our web quest project the whole time in class today.  I am getting kind of bored with this project though and am getting kind of lost.  Mr. Schick the next time we have class I will have some questions about the web quest.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we had along discussion about small businesses.  I agreed with alot of things Mr. Schick was saying about how small businesses often have larger price on everyday things that you could buy for less at say target or Walmart.  Lets be honest though every business starts out as something small you have to work your way up.  I can understand how small businesses feel they need to raise their prices to the point where they are too much.  Its hard to run a business who doesn't get alot of customers but maybe smaller prices and a little more advertisement is the key.  I mean you don't even really have to make your business into something huge.  Any small business can become popular to the locals you just need to make somewhat of a name for yourself.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today we checked our test

     Today in class we checked our world leaders test and it turns out it wasnt as much of a grade booster as Mr. Schick thought it would be.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in class we did a webquest

     Today in class Mr. Schick asked us if we wanted to do a project to help bring our grades up since about half the class asked for a project.  I personally think this is a great idea and great opportunity for some people to get their grades up to where they need to be.  Well anyway the project is to do a web quest.  The web quest isn't that hard and should be a fun and easy way to get my grade up.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TOday we had a test

Today in class we took a test on world leaders.  I hope i did good on this test but i feel like i didn't because i left like 5 out of 36 of the questions blank which could end up hurting me.  I really wasn't expecting the test to come this soon.  I guess i just have to be more prepared next time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In Today's Class we prepared for our test

In today's class we finished up looking at our world leaders power point.  We finished the last couple of slides so that we would be totally ready for this test tomorrow.  I think we should have a few more days to go over is information before we are tested on it personally.  That's just me though.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today In Class

Today in class we went over the test we just took.  I didn't do so well on it but it's only the begging of the quarter so i still have a lot of time to get my grade up.  A lot of questions i got wrong on the test i just messed up on i don't know what i was thinking because i missed alot of easy ones.  I'm taking good notes too its just I need to work on how I study for tests.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto - Peña Nieto joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in 1984, and with a law degree nearly completed, he began earning his own money.  Upon graduating as a lawyer from the Universidad Pan Americana, Peña Nieto sought a Master's degree in the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, based in the State of Mexico.

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel - Following the 2005 federal election, she was appointed Germany's first female Chancellor at the head of a grand coalition consisting of her own CDU party, its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).  One of her priorities was also to strengthen transatlantic economic relations by signing the agreement for the Transatlantic Economic Council on 30 April 2007. 

Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro - After leaving school, Maduro found employment as a bus driver for many years.  One of the first important presidency programs of Nicolas Maduro became the "Safe Homeland" program, a massive police and military campaign to build security in the country. Thousands police and troops were deployed to decrease homicide in Venezuela, which is one of highest in Latin America and world.

Chinese General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping - Xi joined the Communist Youth League in 1971 and the Communist Party of China in 1974.  He was put in charge of the comprehensive preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, as well as being the central government's leading figure in Hong Kong and Macau affairs.

Prime Minister, David Cameron - After graduation, Cameron worked for the Conservative Research Department between September 1988 and 1993. In 1991, Cameron was seconded to Downing Street to work on briefing John Major for his then bi-weekly session of Prime Minister's Questions. One newspaper gave Cameron the credit for "sharper ... despatch box performances" by Major, which included highlighting for Major "a dreadful piece of doublespeak" by Tony Blair (then the Labour Employment spokesman) over the effect of a national minimum wage. He became head of the political section of the Conservative Research Department, and in August 1991 was tipped to follow Judith Chaplin as Political Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Abdullah, Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud – On 13 June 1982 when King Khalid died, Fahd bin Abdulaziz became King, Prince Abdullah became Crown Prince the same day. He also maintained his position as head of the National Guard.

President, Pranab Mukherjee – Mukherjee got his break in politics in 1969 when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped him get elected to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament, on a Congress ticket. Following a meteoric rise, he became one of Indira Gandhi's most trusted lieutenants, and a minister in her cabinet by 1973.

President, Fran̤ois Hollande РAfter volunteering as a student to work for Fran̤ois Mitterrand's ultimately unsuccessful campaign in the 1974 presidential election, Hollande joined the Socialist Party five years later. He was quickly spotted by Jacques Attali, a senior adviser to Mitterrand, who arranged for Hollande to stand for election to the French National Assembly in 1981 in Corr̬ze against future President Jacques Chirac, who was then the Leader of the Rally for the Republic, a Neo-Gaullist party.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ali Khamenei – Homeini appointed Khamenei to the post of Tehran's Friday prayers Imam in 1979, after forced resignation of Hussein-Ali Montazeri from the post. He served briefly as the Deputy Minister for Defence and as a supervisor of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards. He also went to the battlefield as a representative of the defense commission of the parliament.

President, Hamid Karzai – When Najibullah's Soviet-backed government collapsed in 1992, the Peshawar Accords agreed upon by the Afghan political parties established the Islamic State of Afghanistan and appointed an interim government to be followed by general elections. Karzai accompanied the first mujahideen leaders into Kabul after President Najibullah stepped down in 1992.

President, Dilma Rousseff РRousseff was enrolled in preschool at the Col̩gio Izabela Hendrix and later received primary education at Col̩gio Nossa Senhora de Sion, a boarding school for girls run by nuns, where the students primarily spoke French with their teachers. Encouraged by her father, Rousseff acquired an early taste for reading.

Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu - Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv, to Zila (née Segal; 28 August 1912 – 31 January 2000) and professor Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012), the middle of three children. He was initially raised and educated in Jerusalem, where he attended the Henrietta Szold Elementary School.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Mexico - Government - Presidential system, Federal republic, Constitutional republic, Leader(s) - Enrique Peña Nieto, President

Venezuela – Government - Presidential system, Federal republic, Federation, Socialist state, Constitutional republic, Republic – Leaders(s) – President, Nicolás Maduro

China – Government - Communist state, Socialist state, Single-party state –Leaders(s) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping

United Kingdom – Government - Unitary state, Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary system – Leaders(s) - Prime Minister, David Cameron 

Saudi Arabia – Government - Unitary state, Islamic state, Absolute monarchyLeaders(s) – Abdullah, Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

India – Government - Federal republic, Constitutional republic, Parliamentary system - Leader(s) – President, Pranab Mukherjee

France – Government - Unitary state, Semi-presidential system, Constitutional republic - Leader(s) – President, François Hollande

Iran – Government - Unitary state, Islamic republic, Theocracy - Leader(s) - Supreme Leader of the
Islamic Republic of Iran,  Ali Khamenei

Afghanistan – Government - Islamic republic - Leader(s) – President, Hamid Karzai

Brazil – Government - Presidential system, Federal republic, Constitutional republic - Leader(s) – President, Dilma Rousseff

Israel – Government - Democracy, Parliamentary system - Leader(s) – Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Monday, November 4, 2013

We took a test today

     Today in class we started out the class by asking Mr. Schick any questions we had about today test.  I thought i had no questions about the information on last lesson and the religions we were learning but i should have asked more.  I should have done better on the test but i don't know what happened.  I need to get better at studying because taking the notes isn't my problem.  It's reviewing the information i struggle with.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Class With Presentations

     Today in class grace finished up presenting our research power point on Hinduism.  There are a lot of interesting things about these different religions like what makes them similar or what makes them different.  I found it odd though how Hinduism is only really popular in India.  Almost anywhere else around the world its only 0-10 % Hindu's.  I feel like a Christianity is more world wide and alot of other religions are cultural.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today In Class We presented

     Today in class my group presented.  Grace was our group leader so she was the person who presented for our group.  Our group religion was Hinduism.  Our group gave out note sheets to the whole class so it would be easier to take notes on our religion.  We never got to finish presenting because class ended.  We also had two shadows today Jake and Lee i think her name was.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in Class

     Today in class we split up into separate groups to study a specific religion.  My group had Hinduism.  We have to create a power point which we have been working on in class and our going to present tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's Class

     Today in class Mr Schick showed us a video from a tv show.  The video was about a news anchor and on tv with his fellow workers they had debate about if America was the best country.  As two of his fellow tv show hosts said that America was so great he just sat there and thought.  He decided to go off about why America is not even close to being the greatest country.  As he was speaking the audience was absolutely shocked.  I personally agreed with what he had to say.  For the rest of class after this video we had an open discussion about this topic: Is America the Best Country?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/22/13 class

     Today in class we continued taking notes on population and cultural characteristics.  We hovered a lot on the topic of religion.  We talked a lot about how religion is one of the major causes if not the biggest cause of war.  I don't really understand how we let the little differences in our religions make us want to fight each other.

Monday, October 21, 2013

We Started The Week Off With a Story

      Mr. Schick decided to start out class with a funny story today.  He told us about how he visited his daughter in Boston.  He told us that his daughters dorm was right next to Fenway Park.  He decided while watching the game to go to the stadium in the 7th inning.  He snuck past some police officers and found himself in a tv broadcasting van.  The story's kind of long so i can't go into full detail.  We also went over more population.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in CLass

      Today in class we went over our POPulation Quiz.  I think i got an okay grade on it.  I mean a 78% isn't really that bad.  I defidently could have done better though.  I probably should have taken a little bit better notes and i could have done better.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday's Class

      In Fridays class we took a pop quiz.  At least i think it was because Mr. Schick titled it POPulation Quiz.  Well anyway i think i did reasonably well on this quiz they may have been a pop quiz or not i still don't know.  I hope i do well though!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We Went Over Our Tests Today

     Today in class we got our tests back.  I don't think i did that well i could have done much better.  I think my issue was that I didn't take good enough notes.  After we finished going over our tests we went back to taking notes on pyramid population charts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We had a test....

     Today in class it was Erica's birthday.  Happy birthday Erica!  She gave me a cupcake and I went to the bathroom and when i got back it was gone.  I was looking forward to eating it too.  No one really told me what happened to my cupcake except that it fell.  Anyway we had a quiz on God Grew Tired of Us.  this quiz was a struggle for me for some reason.  I watched the movie and payed attention.  I guess my notes weren't so good.  I hope i did good on the quiz.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Finishing the Movie

     Today in class we finished up the end of our movie God Grew Tired of Us.  It was pretty good the way things ended.  I think the lost boys had finally gotten used to the american way of life.  I think they still miss their old country alot.  Panther missed it enough to go back get his girlfriend marry her and bring her to america.  Panther plans to build a school in his old country.  John and the boys also went to some of the lost boys reunions where all of the lost boys met.  It was overall a good movie with a somewhat happy ending.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fridays Class Was Normal

     On Friday the only thing that was really different from the past few days was we had a shadow named Collin.  We also delved a little bit deeper into our movie.  The lost boys are starting to get used to the american life.  They still keep some of their past life with them though which is a good thing.  We have noticed that ever since they came to america some of them have fully adapted and some of them dont want to leave their old life and people behind.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Still Watching God Grew Tired of Us

  We are still watching God Grew Tired of Us.  This part of the movie is much nicer to watch and even pretty funny.  I find it funny the things the lost boys were doing when they first came to America.  I liked when they were first moving into their apartments.  It was just funny to watch them adapt to the american way of life.  I think they enjoy the american life alot but still have many thoughts about the people they left behind.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today We Watched a Movie

      We started to watch a movie today in class called God Grew Tired of Us.  It is about what the government did to the people of Sadan forcing them to flee and create a North and South Sadan.  The stuff that the government of Sadan would do to these people is just pure torture.  Its hard to even watch this.  It is so upsetting that things like this happen in our world.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Checking Our Document

     Today in class we talked about are documents.  We checked them by going around the classroom calling on people to say the answer that they wrote.  I think my group and I did a great job on this assignment and i think i got a good grade.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Todays Document

  1. What is the population of the United States?- The population of the United states is 316,668,567 people. (so about 3 million)

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?- The five largest countries in the worlds are China India United States Indonesia Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?-  The population of Pakistan is 193,238,868

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? - The United States has a democracy as there government.

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?- The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%.

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?-  The largest country in the world is Russia.

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?- The country Algeria has the third greatest number of airports in the world.

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?-  Afghanistan has the greatest number of exports.

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?- Saudi Arabia exports the most oil than any other country.

  1. What country imports more oil than any other?- The United States imports the most oil than any other country.

  1. What country has the second largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world?- Venezuela has the second largest proven natural resources in the world.

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? - No women are not allowed to serve in the military in China.

  1. What is GDP? - GDP is a country’s Gross National Product.     

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?- Quatar has the highest GDP in the world, and it is 103,900$.

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?- No, the US is not found in the top ten for GDP per capita. The US is ranked 14th in the world for GDP per capita.

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?- Most countries with the highest birth rates can be found in Africa.

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?- The 11 out of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths can be found in Africa.

  1. What other country is in the top ten?- India is the other country in the top ten with the highest number of HIV caused deaths.

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?- The US is ranked 18th in the world for HIV deaths.

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?- No, the US is number 3 in use of cellular phones.

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?- 23.9% of the US is Roman Catholic.

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?- 82.7% of Mexico is Roman Catholic.  

  1. What is Net Migration Rate? - The Net Migration Rate is the difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country.

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? - No, the US does not have the highest Net Migration Rate in world. It is has the 29th highest Net Migration in the world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's Class 9 - 24 - 13

     Today in class we talked alot about immigrants.  We talked about if they would be taking the future kids of america's jobs.  Ari asked if they would take the major jobs from us like being a doctor or being a lawyer.  Mr. Schick then told us a story about how his wife works in the landscaping business and she did back in Chicago.  Mr. Schick's wife said that there are alot of immigrants in landscaping.  Landscaping is a good example of a job the immigrants would want to take because it is hard work that a lot of Americans don't want to do.  So the immigrants take advantage of the opportunities we give them with jobs such as construction or landscaping.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today In Class 9-23-13

     Today in class i was already finished taking my test so i had to sit there and wait for the rest of the class to finish.  I think im going to get a good grade on the test.  When everyone else had finished their tests we all handed them in and started a new unit in class.  Today we were talking about world population.  We talked about the birth rates in countries and the death rates in countries.  These rates were much higher than i would have thought they were going to be.

Friday, September 20, 2013

An Unexpected Fire Drill

     So today in class I was pretty much ready for the test and i thought I knew the information pretty well.  I literally finished signing the honor pledge and all of the sudden i heard an obnoxious buzzing noise.  I knew it was the fire bell.  The only issue with these unexpected fire drills is it could be an actual fire.  So i had to put my test taking on hold and my whole class had to be escorted by Mr. Schick out of our classroom around the hallway and out the door onto the football field.  We waited there for Mr. Schick to have a role call and then we all turned around and went back inside to carry on with our test.  I am pretty confident about the test and I think i did very well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We Presented Today

Today in class my group presented our power point.  I think we did a really good job explaining globalization.  I think ours stood out as a good power point.  We also went over what our test is going to be on and  i feel pretty confident about it.  I have learned a lot so far in Human Geo so i should be ready for this!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Behind The Swoosh Again

     Today in class we talked a little bit more about behind the swoosh.  We went over how Nike has changed the way they do things a little bit.  Now they pay their workers four dollars a day which is a lot better than a dollar fifty.  So really they are doing a lot better now then they were say ten years ago in Indonesia.  Nike saves ten percent though from all of their workers so they are saving over fifty thousand dollars everyday.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Today in Class 9/16/13

     We learned about how Nike makes their products.  We watched a video about a guy who was a really good soccer goalie and was a coach of the best soccer team in the country at the time.  He went to Indonesia with a woman to see what the Nike sweat shops are like.  It's amazing how those people can actually survive off a dollar fifty a day.  I would diffidently not be able to live in those type of conditions for any amount of time.  It's nice though how a guy who was a pro soccer player and a great coach would decide to dedicate his time to see how people are living in those sweat shops in Indonesia.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday's class 9-14-13

     In Friday's class we all got into groups of about 4 and made a Google document.  We are still getting familiar with all these new ways of working together but it is good that we are using these programs.  We talked more about globalization and the issues going on around the world.  We talked about how if we weren't there for some of the middle eastern country's there could be another world war.  That's the last thing we want so it is good what we are doing over there.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today in Class 9-11

Today in class we discussed a little bit more about globalization.  We kind of repeated the stuff we learned last class. It still amazes me though how much american stuff is all over the world.  I was a little confused about some of the things we were talking about today though they didn't make as much sense and i can't remember them as well.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today in Class 9-10-13

     Today in class we talked a lot about how to use Google drive because there were some people who still had to learn about it.  I personally thing it will catch on with many more teachers eventually.  We also talked about globalization and how so many things in america are all over the world.  Like say fast food restaurants that we have in america are all over the world except maybe North Korea.  McDonald's is a good example of a global restaurant except the menu is changed just a little to fit that country's way of living.  Also music in america is very popular all over the world.  A famous musician or artist here is also popular world wide a lot of the time.  Another good example is religion like just as an example there are a lot of Roman Catholics all over the world especially in Spanish country's.

Monday, September 9, 2013


    Today in class we learned about Google Drive.  I feel like Google Drive is a really good way of working on a project when you are not with the people who are doing it with you.  I think this is a very good idea and will end up being very useful to people who can't get together to do a project.  The best part about it is the fact that it auto saves and then you can keep working on the document later.  More teachers should consider using Google Drive more often.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday's Class

On Friday we started out class with a really interesting video about population all over the world and about preparing for jobs that don't exist yet.  In my opinion i think the U.S. has a great population not to much and not to little.  I think that preparing for jobs that don't exist yet is both a great idea and a bad one.  Preparing for these new jobs is good because once these jobs are available there won't be that many people who will have it.  The bad thing about preparing for these jobs is what if the jobs ends up being not very good then you have an issue.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In Class on 9-4-13

Today in class we mainly discussed the death of socrates.  I found it interesting how everyone had their own opinion about the painting and the event.  Since we are only left with this painting we have to look at it and assume the events going on in the picture.  Some of the people in the painting couldn't even look at socrates that's how hard it was for them.  Others seemed as though they excepted the fact that he was going to die but were there to see the man before he was killed.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today in class we talked about Socrates.  I found it interesting how just this old philosopher could have such a big impact on the youth of Greece.  I think the way he stood up for in what he was saying and being a man of his word by accepting his death so that his opinions could live on.  I think it would have been cool to meet socrates and listen to what he had to say.  I can only imagine how inspiring he was to the youth of greece in his time.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Ancient Greeks Vocab

Agora - A public marketplace in Ancient Greece

Arete - Excellence of any kind

Polis - City

508 BC - A year of war and conflict

Socrates - A classical greek athenian philosopher

The death of socrates- A 1787 oil on canvas painting by the french painter Jacques-Louis David

The socratic method - A form of inquiry and discussion between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to simulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas 

What ancient greeks meant if they called you idiot - It meant lacking professional skill and being individual 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Five Point Action Plan for The 2013-2014 School Year

The following statements are my five point action plan for this school year
- My first point action plan is to not get behind in my school work early in the school year. It seems like the last two years this has happened every semester and it always kills my grades so i won't let this happen this year.
- My second point action plan is to always see teachers for help.  If I have some time at the end of the day I will go to my teacher in a class that im having trouble in to get help so my grades don't slip.
- My third point action plan is to get my homework done right after i get home from practice so I am not tired when im doing it.
- My fourth point action plan is to to try and keep full attention on my school work during class and to not get bored and zone out.
- My fifth point action plan is to to not goof off in class or get in any trouble with my teachers

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Second Day of School at JC

     At my second day of John Carroll it was a lot like my first one except i had all of my classes so i got a better look at  what the school year is going to be like.  I already had a general idea of where i was going today and how much time i had between each class.  I had no trouble getting to my locker i felt like i could go after almost every period.  Today was my first day of gym so that was a good way to start out the mourning.  My second day at John Carroll was just as good as my first and it might have been better.

Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day at John Carroll

     My first day of high school was not as bad as i thought it was going to be.  I had had no trouble finding my way around school and finding my way to class.  I liked our assembly we had in the auditorium.  I thought the assembly was entertaining and not hard to pay attention to and Mr. O'Neil made some great points.  I liked all my teachers and classes.  The two hour late schedule was a little hard to know because i'm still learning my schedule to begin with but i got through the day fine.  I agree with a lot of the things the teachers were talking to us today about.  I like the feeling of a lot of more freedom and responsibility at our school.  I like how we received a bell schedule it makes things a lot easier.  Overall i think my first day of high school was pretty good.