Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Five Point Action Plan for The 2013-2014 School Year

The following statements are my five point action plan for this school year
- My first point action plan is to not get behind in my school work early in the school year. It seems like the last two years this has happened every semester and it always kills my grades so i won't let this happen this year.
- My second point action plan is to always see teachers for help.  If I have some time at the end of the day I will go to my teacher in a class that im having trouble in to get help so my grades don't slip.
- My third point action plan is to get my homework done right after i get home from practice so I am not tired when im doing it.
- My fourth point action plan is to to try and keep full attention on my school work during class and to not get bored and zone out.
- My fifth point action plan is to to not goof off in class or get in any trouble with my teachers

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