Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Five Point Action Plan for The 2013-2014 School Year

The following statements are my five point action plan for this school year
- My first point action plan is to not get behind in my school work early in the school year. It seems like the last two years this has happened every semester and it always kills my grades so i won't let this happen this year.
- My second point action plan is to always see teachers for help.  If I have some time at the end of the day I will go to my teacher in a class that im having trouble in to get help so my grades don't slip.
- My third point action plan is to get my homework done right after i get home from practice so I am not tired when im doing it.
- My fourth point action plan is to to try and keep full attention on my school work during class and to not get bored and zone out.
- My fifth point action plan is to to not goof off in class or get in any trouble with my teachers

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Second Day of School at JC

     At my second day of John Carroll it was a lot like my first one except i had all of my classes so i got a better look at  what the school year is going to be like.  I already had a general idea of where i was going today and how much time i had between each class.  I had no trouble getting to my locker i felt like i could go after almost every period.  Today was my first day of gym so that was a good way to start out the mourning.  My second day at John Carroll was just as good as my first and it might have been better.

Monday, August 26, 2013

My First Day at John Carroll

     My first day of high school was not as bad as i thought it was going to be.  I had had no trouble finding my way around school and finding my way to class.  I liked our assembly we had in the auditorium.  I thought the assembly was entertaining and not hard to pay attention to and Mr. O'Neil made some great points.  I liked all my teachers and classes.  The two hour late schedule was a little hard to know because i'm still learning my schedule to begin with but i got through the day fine.  I agree with a lot of the things the teachers were talking to us today about.  I like the feeling of a lot of more freedom and responsibility at our school.  I like how we received a bell schedule it makes things a lot easier.  Overall i think my first day of high school was pretty good.